MissEasyShopper.com is the only online consumer personal shopping service. Our goal is to help you find the perfect gifts, the best prices, and the biggest bang for your online buck possible. Our members enjoy PERSONAL online service and a fast response time to their shopping needs and product pricing inquiries.
The best way to take advantage of Miss Easy Shopper is to have it bookmarked in a visible place in your browser. Put us to work for you! MissEasyShopper.com is the only online consumer personal shopping service. Our goal is to help you find the perfect gifts, the best prices, etc.
MissEasyShopper.com Features:
Miss Easy Shopper offers a personal shopping tool that allows you select the type of products you are interested in receiving sale alerts about. You can select how often you'd like to receive alerts (daily, weekly, monthly) in addition to the exact type of products or stores you like to shop. Never miss a deal on the items you need!
To get started, enter the Email address where you'd like to receive your Personal Shopper Messages: